28mm waterslide shield tranfers and decals The Teutonic Knights Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem (Ordo domus Sanctæ Mariæ Theutonicorum Hierosolymitanorum) (Orden der Brüder vom Deutschen Haus St. Mariens in Jerusalem)
_Mtd/Te/ Com The Teutonic Knights
Flag, shields and crosses for horse barding and knights This set provides decals for three command figures, including the standard and up to 3 more mounted knights
Mtd/Te/BreI The Teutonic Knights
Waterslide decals for 6 mounted knights Includes transfers for Horse Barding, knights, shields, surcoats and cloaks
EM/Te/01 Shields of The Teutonic Knights
12 waterslide tranfers for shiled of the Teutonic Knights (Small)
EM/Te/02 Shields of The Teutonic Knights
12 waterslide tranfers for shiled of the Teutonic Knights (Large)
EM/Te/03 Shields of The Teutonic Knights
12 waterslide tranfers for shiled of the Teutonic Knights (Large)
While these are scaled to fit the superb range of Teutonic Knights from Curteys miniatures they will fit the figures and miniatures of most other 28mm figure makers as well